Friday, August 8, 2008

Before and after

As my friend Traci can attest to, I am a bit of a challenge in the kitchen. If a recipe calls for too many ingredients or steps I can't/won't make it. It's not that I don't enjoy the challenge, it's more that it usually involves calling Traci with silly questions and at least 1/2 trips to the store for some ingredient or cooking utensil I will break or never use again. Anyway, I was determined to make something out of the blackberries given to me by my friends and also not have to call Traci with a typical Katie cooking question. (I think the most recent one involved how to sear food. I was convinced it meant to hold your food down in the skillet with a spatula to make the black lines, I can't remember what Brian thought it meant but we wound up calling Traci for the answer.) So, without further ado, here is the easy recipe I found for blackberry cobbler and I have to say it was DELICIOUS.


~Swankymama said...

Dang it !! I don't think this is on my Atkins menu..............


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