Friday, October 31, 2008

And the mother of the year award goes to...

Someone other than me. If we're going to have true confessions here goes. For some reason whenever there is a "sign up" sheet I never want to sign up for the easy stuff. Like paper plates. Oh no. Why? When I have a perfectly good chance to make something cute and awesome and prove to myself that I can do it all? Sure. And then comes the LAST MINUTE. Where I ask myself "Why?" WHY didn't I be the smart mom who signed up for paper plates or carrot sticks? WHY did I do this most likely knowing it would come down to game time and I would scramble? Honestly, I think I like the adrenaline rush of doing things last minute even though it hacks Brian off to no end. So, in a matter of hours I am supposed to have non-iced cupcakes (again, my choice to sign up for this) at Caroline's school and I have to fess up to calling Kroger to see if they would just sell me some non-iced cupcakes from the bakery. But they won't. And part of me thinks that the reason they won't is to teach lazy moms like me a lesson. As in DON'T OVER-ACHIEVE. It is OKAY to bring the freaking paper plates. And guess what? That mom most likely got to watch the Office without timing things for commercial breaks. Man, I don't know who that mom is but right now she is so much smarter than I am.


Unknown said...

I feel your pain. Why didn'r I sign up for the candy corn or juice? No, I had to sign up for mini cupcakes. I don'r even own mini cupcake pans!! I baked 5 dozen mini cupcakes. I think I have a short circuit in my brain!!


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