Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Roughing it....

Due to the storms and high winds we have been without power since Sunday. You really do realize how much you rely on technology and power once you are without it. We've been going to Starbucks and Barnes and Noble to charge our cell phones as needed and spent quite a bit of time driving around looking at all of the trees that are down. It's a bummer because on of our favorite things about the neighborhood we live in is all of the greenery. We live in an old neighborhood with loads of gorgeous old trees. We've lost so many limbs and trees from the high winds. We've also lost all of our food at this point and stores have run out of ice or else the stores that have it have rationed it to one bag per family. Yesterday the situation at home became so dire that I had to wash dishes by HAND! We're almost out of clean towels but I can tell you I am not doing laundry by hand. I have had a bit of extra reading time on my hands, so I started reading American Wife. I'm enjoying it so far. I was under the impression that the book was loosely based on an actual First Lady, and it is, but I have to say it is a little more raw and edgy than what I would have imagined it to be.


Leslie said...

I'm reading American Wife as well and am really enjoying it but you're right--it is very raw and edgy. She has said it's based on Laura bush--but just the 4 big events in her life--the rest and all the in between leading up to those are fiction--so they say. Ive been reading and you cant help but thinking "I wonder if this part is fiction???"

Ally said...

Eew...dishes. You must be bored.

Anonymous said...

I am intrigued by this American Wife book - may need to pick up a copy. Then again I need to get adjusted to this new job so I don't feel like I got my ass kicked all day long and want to do nothing more than crawl in bed when I get home.

KT said...

Kimberly, I'll send you mine as soon as I'm done. I'll finish it and mail it by Saturday.

Anonymous said...

Katie, you are such a sweetie to offer to send it to me. I will definitely return the favor in the near future!


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