Finally! Whew! It's Friday!
So, I walked out of my office in Columbus on Tuesday and have not been back in it since. Spent the rest of the week working at another site out of town, which I did not expect. After logging many hours driving this week, I really, really feel the need for an Ipod touch and the handy dandy little device which will allow me to play the Ipod through my car. Especially as it looks as if I will now be driving to Missouri next weekend to visit Jordan. Hmmm.... will I make it through the weekend without making the big purchase? I'm wavering here people....
Want a bit of a recap of my week? Sure you do. I'll just give you the highlights:
Wednesday morning: Met the person I want to be. Vicki Bowen, the director of the Columbus affiliate for Dress for Success. Vicki and I share a background in property management, which was nice but she is just above and beyond anything else an amazing person with a vision for the Dress for Success program. I spent the rest of my day thinking about how lucky I was to have encountered her and how I can find a way to be a part of her program.
Friday night- Date night with Tessa. Went to go see The Ugly Truth. Mothers and daughters may not always see eye to eye but Tessa and I were able to agree that Gerard Butler is a very, very good looking man.
Saturday- I am very lucky, and very much looking forward to attending my friend Ashley's baby shower. I met Ashley through work and just adore her. She is witty and self deprecating, both qualities I admire in a person. As I've mentioned before, I get to meet many people in my job and get to share many fun events in their lives. It is always an honor to me to be included in the exciting events of people's lives, and Ashley's baby shower and friendship is just one of the perks of my job.
Next week brings more travel, both for work and pleasure. It also brings one of my favorite things: RECIPE CLUB! And it's my turn to be the hostess. As hostess we get to pick the theme. We have SEVERAL pregnant girls in recipe club so I thought it might be fun to have a "frozen meal" theme. You know, meals you can make in advance and freeze for later? Perfect for a girl with a new family and little time. So if you have any recipe ideas, pass them along.
It's funny how summer is rolling right along and school is getting closer and closer. My babies are growing up!
Friday, July 31, 2009
It's the weekend yo!
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Friday, July 31, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Katie and Joe take on Beyonce, PCD and Britney

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
it's not me, it's you
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Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
What do Dick Clark and I have in common?
August 24th- Caroline starts kindergarten
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Sunday, July 26, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
If you actually know me, or have the slightest inkling of my true personality from reading my blog, you will know that I am very....effusive. I truly think that may be one of the best ways to describe myself. I am not very self contained or very good at "playing it cool." I tend to gush with enthusiasm and trip over myself with questions and answers in quick succession. Which has landed me in a bit of a quandary as of late.
To "poke" or not to "poke"
To "chat" or not to "chat"
I logon to my email or facebook and there you are staring me in the face as "available." It is VERY hard for a girl like me to pass up that temptation. OF COURSE I want to barge in on your online time to say "hello" Oh, I'm sorry, we don't really know one another? But of course we do. I've emailed you at some point, or have been accepted by you as a friend on facebook. So why can't I? Or can I? What are the freaking rules? I could not just show up at your door and step into your living room uninvited so can I really just pop up on your screen? And the problem is I CAN SEE YOU. I know you are there. I am DYING to say hello. I feel like a kid at a middle school dance watching you watching me waiting for one of us to make the first move.
For real, what's a social girl to do?
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Friday, July 24, 2009
This weeks read...
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Friday, July 24, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Technology. Gotta love it.
So, during my travels with Joe, he introduced me to THE MOST AMAZING INVENTION EVER. Besides the credit card. And online shopping.
Here is the back story leading up to this AMAZING FIND:
Volvo drama: No working cd player
Katie's new job: Travel via car
Gotta keep it poppin at all times to keep myself entertained.
And I'm never good at keeping my shame a secret, so I let it out to Joe in the car.
Since I can't listen to cd's in my car I've been driving around with my laptop playing music on it. Kind of like a reverse boom box situation. I told Joe I was pretty ghetto. He corrected me and told me that was just crazy! Gotta love Joe for keepin' it real!
Back to the Katie and Joe road trip experience, Joe mentioned that he had brought his iPod for the car. In my unsuspecting world whenever I heard people mention using their iPods in the car I thought they were all driving around with their little ear buds in their ears listening to music. Which is illegal, but hey, I drive around with a laptop playing music in my car so who am I to judge? But OH NO.... Joe has an iPod adaptor thing-y that allows him to play his iPod music through my car stereo! I had no idea such a thing even existed! I am SO GETTING ONE! And you know what, it might even be more convenient than using my laptop as my car stereo. Who knew?
Oh, and one last tidbit about my Cup O Joe which runneth over with fun and technology:
Girl Talk. My new fave thing to listen to, from the Night Ripper cd! If you want something fun and new to listen to check it out! Joe was able to accomplish teaching me about all of this while having bronchitis. Poor guy. Luckily, he is on the mend and can hopefully teach me about the Brother P Touch or some other technology next.
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Thursday, July 23, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
For real, how much do I want this?
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Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Beyonce and The Wedding Crashers
So.... Beyonce with my friend Joe who is a true trooper. A day/night in review:
1) Any person willing to spend several hours in a car with me is good people.
2) Any person willing to travel in the Volvo is really, really good people. (If you're new and have missed the saga/drama of the Volvo, I can't even begin to tell you, trust me, it's bad.)
3) Columbus-Detroit. Should be three hours. Right? Wrong. An entire section of 75 is closed and since Detroit is broke/shut-down/disorganized/depressing there is no proper signage re-routing you. You do, however get a nice trip along 8 Mile Road.
4) Joe had never been to Detroit. I knew things were bad when we get re-routed down 8 Mile. Nothing good happens on 8 Mile.
5) Need proof that nothing good happens on 8 Mile? Have you ever known Eminem to rap about good stuff? 'Nuff said yo.
6) Four hours into it thanks to traffic and craptastic re-routing we get to our final destination.
7) Beyonce was good. Loved the butt bow outfit from the opening of the show. Need a butt bow.
8) After the concert it was hard finding something to do. Katie + Joe in what equates to Pontiac Michigan on a Saturday night= Not a good or very safe idea to go rolling around in uncharted territory.
9) Got back to the hotel and discovered what appeared to be a very kickin' wedding reception.
10) Debated for about two minutes before we decided to crash the reception.
11) Got to hang out (ok- crash the dance floor) for about two songs before the bride herself approached us and asked "I'm sorry, do I know you?"
12) Answered honestly "No"
13) Left when asked to.
Thank you Beyonce and Joe for a good time.
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Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
I am... Katie Fierce.
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Friday, July 17, 2009
Five After Five Friday's at Whole Foods
My neighbor Nikki introduced me to the AMAZING Five After Five Friday's at Whole Foods.
As I told Nikki, I felt a little silly that I can walk to Whole Foods from my house and that I never knew about this event.
Here's how it works:
Go to Whole Foods on Friday's between 5-7 p.m. Take $5.00.
You will get a punch card and a wine glass.
You will get to sample (a generous sample) five different wines along with five samplings of complimentary foods to go along with each kind of wine.
If you save your wine glass and take it back the following week you only pay $4.00.
Guess who has their wineglass in the kitchen cabinet???
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Friday, July 17, 2009
You be the judge...
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Friday, July 17, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
A book I would gladly pass along- The Castaways
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Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water...
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Monday, July 13, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Mail call! (And why I am loving the US Postal Service)
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Sunday, July 12, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
This should have been my childhood...
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Thursday, July 09, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
I'm coming Jordan, I'm coming!!!!!
Ah...... In less than one month I will be reunited with Jordan and fam. I can breathe a sigh of relief. Yes, this is the same Jordan who caused me many, many tears and sleepless nights as I cried myself to sleep with the thought of missing her when she moved away and left me!
Reunited and it feels so good! OK, maybe not the appropriate song choice.... But anyway....
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Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
So cheesy!

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Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Lesson learned...
It is a KNOWN FACT that I am TERRIBLE about listening to voice mail. TERRIBLE. A few years ago we decided not to have a home phone anymore (my entire family hates talking on the phone and we never answered it) as well all have cell phones. At home, it is difficult to get time without interruption to talk on the phone, so most of my phone conversations happen in the car, but again, I do not travel alone very often and therefore really, really enjoy my quiet time, which is really time spent listening to Boom Boom Pow as loudly as you can in a 2001 Volvo with no working CD player.
Well, in addition to ruling out a home phone, I also made a "rule" at work that cell phones were not for the office. Call me crazy, but I am in a customer service oriented business and listening to crazy ring tones blaring from desk drawers while helping someone makes me NUTS IN MY HEAD. And if I make a rule, I try to follow the rule.
Which brings me to the fact that unless you call me at work, good luck Chuck getting a hold of me or finding me around a phone which will get answered.
Guess who learned their lesson today? THIS GIRL.
Did you by any chance catch the last post where I mentioned that my neighbor found my car keys and brought them over to the babysitter? Yeah, that would be my truly great neighbor Bob. Only Bob did not actually LEAVE the keys with the sitter. He does not know her or feel comfortable leaving keys with her even though she is inside of a home with my child on a daily basis. No, it appears he LEFT A MESSAGE on my phone that he came over to TELL the sitter he had my keys and I should come over for them. Just in case someone else lost their keys in front of his house and also had a VOLVO key stamped VOLVO right in front of the house 100 feet away from my house where my VOLVO is usually parked. And apparently Bob has a time frame (which equates to less than 6 hours) to get a return call before he takes action. As I did not return the call within the 6 hour time span Bob started to doubt that those were my keys after all so he drove them over to the US Post Office and mailed them to the Kroger headquarters. Why the Kroger headquarters? Because I had my Kroger shoppers tag on the keyring and after calling Kroger they told Bob to mail the keys to them and they would find the customer and mail the keys directly to them.
How long until I get my keys you might ask? Two to five weeks. This is the same set of keys I left at Krogers a few weeks ago and had to go back for!
Moral(s) of the story:
*Return your calls within 6 hours
*Be thankful for thorough neighbors
*Have a backup set of keys handy at all times
*Shop at Kroger
*Don't drink in your yard and lose your keys
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Monday, July 06, 2009
You know it was a good weekend when:
1) You don't know where your car keys are but you know they are outside somewhere because even though you were only sitting outside of your own home it seemed like a good idea to make sure not to lock yourself out
2) Your babysitter gets to your house on Monday and you preface the day by saying "If any of my neighbors bring my shoes back I left them at one of their homes this weekend. Two pair of shoes, not just two shoes."
3) Your neighbor calls you to tell you she found your wineglass outside of her home and will bring it over for you.
*Apparently my neighbor brought the keys to my babysitter today. Neighbor one in this scenario is not the same neighbor as neighbor three. Great.....
**I lost one pair of shoes, went home to put on another pair and lost those as well. Came home barefoot.
***Is it a bad sign when someone offers to bring something to you versus have you get it from them? Does that translate into "Stay away from my property you silly drunken girl"
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Monday, July 06, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Gazpacho Salsa- Real Simple!
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Sunday, July 05, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy 4th of July!
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Saturday, July 04, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
My favorite Upper Arlington tradition!

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Thursday, July 02, 2009
Atlantic City- The recap and why I'll never go back...
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Thursday, July 02, 2009