Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Things that make you go hmmm....

In a pretty good case of "Katie-itis" I appear to have exfoliated my own lips off. Oops. I am a marketing SUCKER and will succumb to most any and every product that promises to make me look younger/enhance my appearance/distract me from something else I am neglecting. So I saw a lip exfoliator. Why do I feel the need to have a lip exfoliator in my life? I don't know. I just don't really know. It was however, cleverly packaged, came from Sephora and shipped with free samples. All things I NEED in my life. Right? Wrong. In defense of the company which shall remain nameless and blameless I overused the product. It came packaged in a lip-gloss/chap stick form and smelled really, really good. So I applied it oh, let's say 6-8 times per day. And guess what? The product works. I exfoliated my own lips off. In an effort to undo the damage I have applied:

Nothing is helping. I will be at the doctor tomorrow. Should you be curious to find out what happens when you remove your own lips and need to grow them back let me know.


La Belette Rouge said...

Oh, poor you!! I hope the MD can help you get your lips back. No kissing for you.

Ally said...

Your lips will have grown back my Feb 20th right? I mean, you'll be kissing my ass all weekend so I want them in tip-top shape.

Anonymous said...

I want to see a picture of what you look like with no lips! It doesn't hinder you from talking does it? That would be a true shame!

Anonymous said...

omg you silly thing! Reminds me of when I was 13 and overused the new battery-operated face brush that Santa brought me. In all the photos from that Christmas I have a bright red face (and braces!). I basically exfoliated 7 layers down.

Anonymous said...

Yah! a photo!

Anonymous said...

How are your lips? I forgot to tell you about Lansinoh Nipple Cream. It will fix you right up. If it can cure decimated nipples (from nursing a baby!) It can surely help your lips. I use it daily. Will blog about it.


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