Thursday, February 12, 2009

Don't mess with Texas!

I'm not sure why I find this to be interesting but I mailed two packages to two different bloggers today- both of them in Texas

What That Girl Wears- Oh, say around 1992 I promised to send her some nailpolish. Yeah. I just got around to that.

V from Everyday Wear- She won the Michelle Obama fashion challenge and I had an AWESOME St. John pin for her as the prize. I'm not going to take a picture of it because I want her to be surprised when she gets it. And this way, maybe you will check her blog for the pic!

So these packages are not even related but they are both in Texas. And here I thought the only cool Texans were Buddy Holly , Joan Crawford and Chamillionaire.

Enjoy ladies!


Hillary said...

Yee-ha! I love my fellow Texan bloggers (esp these two).

Johnny Hughes, author of Texas Poker Wisdom, a novel said...

I wrote a novel entitled DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS WOMEN. TexDot called and wrote threatening to sue me. I had to change the title to TOUGH TEXAS WOMEN. It is free at my web site

Agents said no women were really that strong. I wonder if you will get threats from TexDot???

Johnny Hughes

ohthatgirl said...

LOL! You did it! I can't wait to see what you sent. Thanks again. :O)

Anonymous said...

I got the package you sent me too! Looks like a gggrrrreat read! You're so sweet.


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