Monday, May 25, 2009

Book of the day- The Unlikely Disciple

Sometimes I realize I read too much. Like when I can't find anything to read because I've read it all it seems. And trust me, reading 2-3 books a week does make it difficult to find something new on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. My tastes are pretty varied, which is necessitated by the need to keep things varied otherwise I wind up bored with books and shopping online. Again. And sometimes my favorite books turn out to be something so random and unsuspecting. Out of my normal realm. Non-fiction.

Today I read The Unlikely Disciple by Kevin Roose. This is the true story of a student from Brown University who decides to spend a semester at the Evangelical Christian university Liberty. Run by Jerry Falwell. I really can't quite tell you how I came to choose this book but I can tell you that I really, really enjoyed it. It was a nice choice and a good way to keep my reading selection a little more dignified that one of my other all time faves, Are You There Vodka, It's Me Chelsea? (Not that I don't consider Chelsea Handler to be dignified. I love that girl!) Next up- Round Ireland With A Fridge.


Leslie said...

Oooh I heard about this and remember thinking it may be interesting. May have to head to the bookstore for beach reading next month...

La Belette Rouge said...

I have never read Chelsea's book as I was afraid it would be a little OTT. If you like it I am willing to give it a read. You have good taste!

Leah said...

This sounds good. And I gave you an award on my blog.

Polly said...

Sounds like a fantastic read KT - right up my alley - you have given me such a good list to make my way through, I won't have to think about what to read next for years to come!


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