Thursday, March 12, 2009


I've spent most of this week feeling pretty under the weather. (Which is a nice way of saying I think I hacked up a lung and it us currently under my desk at work.) I spent Monday huddled up shivering and had a fever. I was pretty sure I was having "visions." On Tuesday I felt a little better and if I applied about 4 inches of makeup I actually looked kind of okay. Wednesday was getting a bit rough again. By today my body was having an all-out brawl with itself. So I went to the doctor and it appears I have bronchitis. Which is better than the malaria I had self diagnosed myself with. Not to make light of malaria but I am glad I don't have it. Guess it's time to get started on some antibiotics...


Anonymous said...

feel better, punkin!

Anonymous said...

oh' fooey. well, you'll get better soon! let me know if you need any ice cream!

Ally said...

That sucks. At least you don't have SARS.

Jules said...

Ok, u need to drink your medicine friend.For you to get well soon.;D
And i'm also happy to hear that it's not a malaria.Be careful ok?!;D
Hope to see you on my blog too.Have a nice day.;D

Anonymous said...

Hark it all up and get better soon!


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