Wednesday, April 22, 2009

When I grow up...

It's a good thing I've got youth on my side because I am STILL not 100% sure on what I want to do with my life. But, I am adding being Fergie to the list. I CAN NOT stop listening to this song. LOVE IT!


Sara said...

Oh, no! Not you too!

Nate has been in love with Fergie for years. He named the damn car 'Fergie' for crying out loud.

I like her music but I think she looks like a transvestite. I just don't see what he sees, I guess!

La Belette Rouge said...

When I grow up I want to have Fergie's figure. You can have her voice.;-)

Ashley said...

This makes me laugh, only because every day I say/think of something different that I want to do. Like I watch Twister and want to be a storm chaser, and then some other movie makes me want to be somethign different..haha. I'm still waiting for my dream job as a food critic like Julia Roberts in My Best Friend's Wedding. Haha. So good thing you haven't grown up yet ;)

Trinette Hayslip said...

Um...yeah! Love that song!

Anonymous said...

I can't get this song out of my head. It might even get me to work out!


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