Thursday, April 30, 2009
Guess where this girl will be tonight???
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Thursday, April 30, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Free Domino's!
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Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
What I've been reading...
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Monday, April 27, 2009
The kindness of strangers
As I mentioned recently, I have been organizing a women's event for this fall. I started out doing this just for fun, and to say "I can" when it comes to organizing something when I started out with basically nothing. I want to make this a fun event, and have goody bags and door prizes. But my goal was to not spend any of my own money putting together as it is strictly for fun. Initially I thought it would be fun to share things I am familiar with (and like) as part of the event, and contacted people I know who have their own businesses that they may want to promote, whether it be a magnet with their business logo, promotional flyer, whatever. Depending on the type of business possibly a gift card for a door prize. Then I started thinking "How fun would it be to use this as a way to promote local business owners, especially in a bad economy?" So I started emailing owners and managers from local companies. And I am impressed by the responses I am getting. Then, I started really using my brain... As an avid reader who occasionally posts about a book I read I sometimes get an email or comment from the authors themselves thanking me for reading their books, or letting me know they are glad I liked the book. Me? I'm just a girl in Columbus, Ohio. And they thank me? No, thank YOU for being talented and entertaining me for a matter of hours. So I decided to reach out to a few authors and ask for a copy of their books to use as door prizes for my event. These people don't know me, but guess what? They have graciously helped me out anyway~ I can not even tell you how good it feels when you reach out to someone and they respond in a positive way. Check out the blog for the event. I'm having a lot of fun seeing how this progresses from just an idea to something bigger. And thank you to everyone who has agreed to help me with this~ I've even had a few of you bloggers contact me and offer to help! This is going to be awesome!
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Monday, April 27, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Prom mom- I've still got it
So, I remember there used to be certain songs we'd be really excited to hear at dances. You know, the ones you and your friends would drive around listening to and are a part of your memories for ever? The songs that always take you back in time? True confession: For me, one of those songs is Joy and Pain by Rob Base and DJ EzRock. My friend Cara and I used to roll around town in her navy blue Cabriolet and think we were the sh*t listening to this! I asked Tessa last night what song she was hoping to hear at prom, the song guaranteed to get everyone fired up. The answer? Yeah, by Usher. Hmmm.. The answer surprised me, but I get it. I myself have spent a little time on the dance floor to Yeah. I wonder if she'll let me tag along tonight? Yeah.
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Saturday, April 25, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
The time has come...
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Thursday, April 23, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
When I grow up...
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Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Calling all friends/contacts/self promoters!
I am currently in the process of organizing a women's fashion Swap N Shop event for October 03, 2009. I have already lined up many contacts for goody bags and door prizes. The event will be listed in all major publications throughout our city. I feel confident that we will have a few hundred women attend. What I'm hoping for are some new fresh ideas for goody bags and door prizes. Do any of you have a business where you might have goods or services you want to donate to the event? Your name will be on the blog as well as on the 500 flyer's we are distributing plus the word of mouth and email contacts. Even a coupon with a code for a percentage off of goods or services, or a promotional sheet about your company. Let me know, this is great, and inexpensive way to grow a business!
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Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
Free shipping! Shu Uemura!
As we all know, I am a sucker for free shipping. And I have a problem with gluttony when it comes to free samples. Alas, today my bank account balance is a wee bit smaller than it was before I got my "Free Shipping" email from Shu Uemura. If you have never tried their products, I must ask WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR??? Their eyeshadows, lipsticks and mascara are wonderful! If you are a fan of false eyelashes I don't know if you will find any that are better. Love them! If you make a purchase through April 19th use code DEPSEA for your free shipping.
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Friday, April 17, 2009
Lunch date
Brian and I are having lunch today. Together. Let me tell you, this hasn't happened since 2005 maybe? Maybe 2006. Anyway. The reason for this rendezvous is.... passports. We're meeting to FINALLY get our passports done. Which we have been talking about since roughly the date of our last lunch together. (It takes us a while to get certain things accomplished...) And while I am excited for this (Yes, I am using a new passport photo, not the Glamor-not-shot from the other day) I am more excited for the package awaiting me at the post office.... My new Wendy Brandes necklaces! Whoo hoo!!!!!! I will debut them ASAFP!
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Friday, April 17, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Passports and photo ops
Brian and I have decided to FINALLY get passports. We travel quite a bit, but other than ours drives into Canada all of our travel is within the US. We both have trips into Canada planned for the near future however, and will soon need passports to drive over the border. So off we went the other night to get our passport photos taken. And I'm sorry, but I am a GIRL and I want my picture to be cute. I just do. So I'm feeling like I look pretty good and off we go. To Walgreens. And we get there and they pull down this white background attached to a door in the corner of the store. So I made a comment that I felt like I was getting a fake ID made or something. Which is not accurate, as when I got my fake ID I actually went to the real BMV and had a real drivers license made. (Keep in mind this was in 1823 when it was much easier to get away with this stuff and I would NEVER condone that type of behavior anymore... wink wink.) Anywhoo, Gloria the Glamour Shot employee snaps Brian's picture and you know what? It wasn't too shabby. Which is surprising, as Brian is a total Chandler Bing when it comes to pictures. We even joked about getting a stand in for our wedding pictures. So now it's my turn. As she snaps the picture Brian makes some funny noise which makes me laugh. Now I knew, I just knew my picture was NOT SO GOOD. She prints off the pictures, puts them in a little envelope and sends us out the door. Where I went wrong was in not looking in the envelope before we left. So once we were home I looked in the envelope. And I got pissed. And I do mean pissed. I look like a complete and total moron. Why, WHY did she print that picture and charge us money? All she had to do was look at the screen and say "You know what, your eyes were closed, you were laughing and your head was tilted. Let's take that one over." Aargh! Needless to say, Brian though it was HILARIOUS. Funny funny funny. But what really made his day was when Caroline was in the bathroom while he was in the kitchen laughing and Caroline announced LOUD AND CLEAR "Mo-om, I think dad's looking at your picture again." Wow, talk about a blow to the ego.
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Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Is there a doctor in the house?
So, today I got a pretty exciting phone call. I will be a doctor for one day. OK, maybe not really a doctor, but I'll play one in my life. Today my friend Jeremy (one half of Jordan and Jeremy) called to ask me a favor. He is graduating from medical school in a few months, but due to the purchase of their new home and relocating out of state he won't actually attend the graduation. So he needs someone to pick up his degree. Enter Dr. Katie. Oh yes, I'm not sure which one of us is doing the other one a favor. I get to pick up a degree from a medical school? Would it be too over the top to show up in a white doctors coat? (After all, I am the girl who recently slept in a bunny costume...) Would a stethoscope be pushing my luck? A cap and gown? Pomp and circumstance on the Ipod? No joke, you have no idea how excited I am... I feel a little like Dr. Drake Remoray!
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Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Ponderings and musings...
Not sure why this is what is on my mind today but which is better?
1) Self deprecation
2) Self depreciation
If I devalue myself before someone else can is that better than giving them the chance to do it? Face my own flaws? Faults? Shortcomings? Acknowledge the passing of time and youth? Laugh at myself?
Boy, you would think someone is all emo today wouldn't you? But I'm not. But I sure did love me some punk rock back in the day...
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Monday, April 13, 2009
Congrats to....
I used Kimberly's method over at Fab Finds of using to generate the number for the basket of free make-up goodies. The random number generator gave me Lucky #7, which turned out to be Diabolina Fashionista of My Super Sweet Fashion Diary! Congrats and Enjoy!
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Monday, April 13, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Am I bunny material? Or a reverse playmate?
In my ongoing effort to be the BEST MOM EVER I did one of the most goofball things I have ever done. Last year I purchased a full body Easter Bunny Costume. I LOVE things like this. We had so much fun with that thing. We rode around my property at work on a golf cart in it, and I swear the older ladies had the most fun with it! Then, I brought it home and went door to door visiting our neighbors in it. Our neighbor Bob, who is in his 80's may have been the most appreciative of the group, and rewarded me with a big hug for my efforts. Then, I hid the costume in my car so Caroline wouldn't see it. I forgot it was in my car and drove it, along with two friends to the Kentucky Derby. And I'm not kidding, because I could not make stuff this good up. After a day of drinking and having fun in the sun, it seemed like the natural progression of things was to put that thing on in the parking lot of the hotel and go around. So I'm not sure how I came to this decision, or actually went through with it but last night I slept in the bunny costume, minus the head. Last Easter Tessa put the costume on and laid down on the sofa like she was the Easter Bunny but had fallen asleep at our house. I brought Caroline downstairs and she FREAKED. And not in a fun way, but in a "I'm going back upstairs and not coming back until that bunny gets the &*$# out of my house" kind of way. Lesson learned. But this year, she has seemed to have a better handle on the bunny. So I thought it would be SO FUN if she woke up to the bunny again. But I was worried she would wake up early and head downstairs to find her Easter basket without me. Which led up to my decision to sleep on the sofa IN the bunny costume with the head next to me. And you know what? I got a surprisingly good nights sleep in that thing!
*FYI- I also have a stork costume. Sometimes a guy sees a hot bunny and next thing you know a stork is in order!
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Sunday, April 12, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Spelling Bee
Learning to spell has become a VERY BIG DEAL around our place lately. We've had to pull into parking lots so Caroline can read the signs, and she thinks she is pretty hot when she finishes up with a word. She does the whole spelling bee thing.
Caroline, spell DOG.
Dog. D-O-G. Dog.
It's getting kind of funny because she is very literal in her "spelling." So any word or series of letters on a gallon of milk spells milk. Got it? So today, Caroline is QUITE proud of herself because she has been reading the television. She comes up to tell us she knows how to spell TV. OK, Caroline honey. Go ahead and spell TV for me.
TV. S-O-N-Y. TV.
Good job Caroline, good job. If anyone from Sony wants to contact us with regards to a marketing job for Caroline I will be acting as her career counselor.
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Saturday, April 11, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
A Good Friday Gang Bang
Well, I just put that right out there didn't I??? I deviated from my normal blogging plan which is to be quite random and have instead become quite randy. But I can not pass up the opportunity to tell this tall tale of tail. So, Brian is standing at our new side door (The one that took me three years to accomplish getting installed) and looking out the window. He sounds as giddy as a schoolboy looking at boobs as he hollers "Katie, you've got to hurry up and see this." "This" is a pair of rabbits doing it in our yard. Trying to procure an Easter Bunny perhaps? But what made things REALLY interesting was when the third rabbit hopped on in. Hey, everyone needs a little tail sometimes, right?
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Friday, April 10, 2009
Free. Did I mention free?
Lisa Hoffman is offering free samples of their perfume. Free. No shipping, no "free with purchase." Just plain free. Why not try it?
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Friday, April 10, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Peter Thomas Roth at Gilt Group
I'll tell you who I've loved this week. Gilt Group. I realize that I gave up shopping for Lent, but I did readily admit that I fell off the wagon during the Christian Louboutin sale. I did. And I hit another bump in the road today during the Vera Wang Lavender Label sale. It's true. I did. And I may as well say it now. Tomorrow will be another bump in the road.
It's Peter Thomas Roth day! I LOVE Peter Thomas Roth skincare products. Is it too much to hope for that they will have their Lashes to Die For at the sale???
Listen, if you aren't a Gilt Group member you should be. It's free and the only way to score MAJOR deals on designer goods. If you aren't a member yet you need to be referred by someone to get in to the site. Sign up and check it out!!!
*Anything I have ever ordered from them has shipped the same day or the next day. Gotta love that!
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Thursday, April 09, 2009
My life. Guest starring: Mario Lopez
Mario Lopez is now guest starring in my life. Twice a day, every day.
-Caroline has discovered a show on Animal Planet called Pet Star. Very, very hi-brow stuff. This show is SO GOOD (Have to fess up, I do love me some amazing pet tricks) that we watch it in the morning and DVR it to watch again after work. Today we turned it on and Caroline noticed that Mario got a haircut. Grrrreat.
Pet Star. Check it out on Animal Planet. Admit it, you're curious. Did the dog win? The bird? Or the hampster????
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Thursday, April 09, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Lent ended early this year.
Well. I did a pretty good job. But the siren sale of Christian Louboutin at Gilt Group got me. The good news is that I feel "Gilt-y" enough not to keep going full speed ahead. I do have to say that I haven't missed shopping as much as I thought I would, I've kind of gotten used to it and feel pretty proud of myself. I sure will enjoy my new shoes though! Can I call them an early Easter present?
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Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
More free beauty samples!
I just added another eight beauty samples to the giveaway basket! Yep. My blush came today and the nice people from Sephora had the boxed stocked with more goodies! Don't forget to put your name in the drawing!!!
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Tuesday, April 07, 2009
If you know (or want to know) anything about me it is that I LOVE to be helpful and I LOVE to do favors. I'm not sure why, but I do. If you need a ride to the airport I am your girl. I think I love giving rides to the airport because it is fun for me to help see someone off to an exciting destination, new adventure, home to see family, whatever. Plus, I love planes. Growing up I was fascinated by Amelia Earhart and had a pretty good idea that I was Amelia reincarnated. (Sadly, I'm not joking) So today I offered to pick up our friend Jeremy (one half of Jordan and Jeremy) from the airport. Jeremy and Jordan (and sweet Addy) flew out last week to spend time with Jeremy's family for a few weeks and Jeremy is coming home for a few days to do something important that I am guessing has to do with finishing medical school and getting on with their lives and then leaving again. And I'm sure that over the next few months you will get snippets of my upcoming breakdown as they prepare to move to Columbia Missouri and leave me. I won't bore you with the details of my love for Jordan and Jeremy but I will tell you that when I think about them moving I cry. I'm trying really hard not to take it personally that they are moving away for his residency. I kind of know that it isn't about me and that they aren't really FROM Columbus, this isn't their home and blah blah blah... Back to the point. I offered to do the airport pick up but yesterday I kind of had a moment. The next time they leave Columbus it will be for good. Oh crap. This isn't one of those "casual" visits back home. This is the end. Oh man. Let's just hope I don't have a meltdown and I can get through this. The good news is that Brian promised me a set of plane tickets to Columbia to visit. Here's my question: If they move June 05th is June 07 too soon to visit??? Hmm.....
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Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
Pride by Association...
Back in high school I worked on my school newspaper with a very talented girl, Monica Yant-Kinney. Monica went on to become a very talented journalist and works in Philadelphia. In addition to being very talented herself, it appears that she has married a very talented man! Monica's husband David has written a book called The Big One. It is the story of an annual fishing derby in Marthas Vineyard. I've been excited to read it just because of the fact that I went to school with Monica. And I am very excited and proud for their family. It's a pretty big deal to get a book published. This weekend I picked up a copy of the book for Brian as an anniversary gift and I started to read it myself. I have to admit to getting a little choked up reading the dedication at the front to Monica. I went to high school with some pretty cool people but I'm not sure how many of us have had books dedicated to us. And with my love of books, I thought that was pretty special. But then I began reading the book. And it is good. I have become quickly absorbed in the characters and am impressed by the way David has taken a fishing story and made it interesting to a non-fisherwoman. It is a story of competitive spirits and comraderie. Read it. You'll be "hooked"
*Please note- this book is available at Barnes and Noble. The only thing available at Barnes and Noble written by me is the sales slip I signed yesterday when I purchsed this book. So much for my career in journalism!
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Monday, April 06, 2009
Sunday, April 5, 2009
ANOTHER giveaway- Beauty products!
You know, I read so many posts about beauty products and what people are using. Sometimes I find a product I want to try, and sometimes from that I find a real gem. To me, it's always fun to read and see what people are using so I thought I would post some of my own beauty/personal faves.
Nails: I keep my nails short but I do like to keep them manicured. My favorite polish colors are neutral and don't draw attention AWAY from my hands but are a nice compliment to them. I LOVE Butter polish in Yummy Mummy. Right now I also am pretty hip on Mod Hatter by OPI.
*On a side note for nails, I also love Zoya brand nail polish. It holds up well and they have a great selection. They also have a lot of nice customer incentives on their site on a regular basis! (Which I love!)
Hair: Catwalk Headshot Shampoo and Conditioner. All I can tell you is that this stuff smells so good I absolutely wash, rinse and repeat! And if you have a Beauty First store around you you can get the shampoo free with the purchase of the conditioner.
Toner: I never used toner until the last year or so. I have two that I am hooked on.
Dr Brandt Poreless Tone- My skin feels amazing when I use this.
Bliss Spa The Youth as We Know It toner- I am a sucker for anything from Bliss Spa but again, this product has a scent I am hooked on.
Deodorant- Normally this wouldn't be something I felt the need to talk about but I have been using the BEST new deodorant. Dove Clinical Protection. It is a clinical strength deodorant and it WORKS! Love this! Yes, it costs a little more but it works and is worth it is you aren't happy with what you have been using.
Face Wash and Face Mask- Again, much love to Bliss Spa. Their fabulous Foaming Face Wash and Triple Oxygen Instant Energizing Mask rock! My skin feels amazing afterwards! The face mask is great because you can use it three times a week but it only takes five minutes! You can get their products directly from their website, or again, Beauty First carries them. *The website sends free samples though! And again, the scent of the face wash= heavenly!
I have tons more I'd love to share but these are the items I packed in my bag this weekend so I thought I'd share these for now as they are apparently some of my "must have" items.
As I unpacked and was putting things away I took a look at all of the free samples I've collected. There are LOTS! I thought it might be fun to share them versus stockpile them. So here goes another giveaway~ I've got about 30 samples of beauty products from Kiehls, Origins, Aveda, and who knows who all else PLUS perfume samples as well. They are in a Longaberger basket which I am sending them in to the winner. Just post a comment that you would like to be included and I'll draw a name next Sunday.
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Sunday, April 05, 2009
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Will she be a Spartan?
Too soon to tell but we were all really, really impressed with Michigan State. The campus is gorgeous and seems to be quite managable. The dorms were nice and really clean! The only problem is the tuition. For the cost to go to MSU for 4 years, we could have one of these. It was really, really fun to take Caroline to see where Tessa may go to school.
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Saturday, April 04, 2009
It's my anniversary, again.
And as usual, we are celebrating in grand style. Neither Brian or I are very romantic (big surprise if you've ever met us or actually read some of my blog postings) so we're not big celebrators of anniversaries. On our first anniversary we got stranded in Florida. Our flight was cancelled and we could not get another flight for THREE DAYS. It was not a good situation. We had an irritable one year old, my ultra accommodating mother in law and Tessa, who HAD to be back at school to start her softball season or risk being benched. So we rented a car and started the drive back to Ohio. As we were driving, Brian turned around to look at me in the back seat and said "Happy Anniversary by the way." By the way. Doesn't get more sappy than that does it? Fast forward to this anniversary. I took the girls on our college road trip and Brian went fishing with his dad. This afternoon he called me as we were headed home. At the end of the conversation he asked me if I was going to tell him Happy Anniversary. I countered with "Are you going to tell ME Happy Anniversary?" Don't you just feel Cupids arrow piercing you? Ah, Happy Anniversary Brian!
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Saturday, April 04, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Three girls and a college road trip...
Yep. That's right. Three girls, one Volvo, one Garmin and one college road trip. Me, Caroline and Tessa are headed to visit Michigan State this weekend. Will she be a Spartan? We still have the Wildcats and the Hoosiers to go.
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Thursday, April 02, 2009
Drumroll please........
I just want to say that I had a hard time with this. Should I:
1) Pick the story that made me laugh?
2) Use a random number generator thing-y?
3) Print everything off and draw a name?
So I went with Option #3. And just so everyone knows I run a tight ship around here I took pics. (I'm not sure if that means I run a tight ship or that I need to get a life?)
So without further ado, the winner of the Kenneth Jay Lane earrings is...
Jewish Girl in Wasps Clothing! If you don't already read her blog, it is SO CUTE! Congrats! Mazel tov! Enjoy!
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Thursday, April 02, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Don't forget...
Tomorrow morning I am drawing the name for the Kenneth Jay Lane earrings. Check here for your chance to enter...
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Wednesday, April 01, 2009